Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Urban Regeneration and Community Development Policy Framework Consultation (closes 25/10/12)

“I firmly believe that for Northern Ireland to truly prosper, we need to come together to tackle deprivation, strengthen the competitiveness of our towns and cities and develop connected, cohesive and engaged communities - communities that can identify their own needs and work with government and others in meeting those needs.” - Minister Nelson McCausland
The public consultation will run until Thursday 25 October 2012 and can be accessed at: Hard copies and alternative formats of the consultation are also available on request from the Department for Social Development. 

For more information contact: or telephone 028 9082 9445.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

'Re–stitching the City' - Forum for an Alternative Belfast Summer School 13–17th August 2012

The Forum for Alternative Belfast are holding it’s fourth summer school from Monday 13th to Friday 17 August 2012. The venue will be in Belfast City Hall, main rotunda.
Following publication of the ‘Missing City’ map, the result of the first summerschool in 2009. Subsequent schools focused on inner north and south Belfast with publication of the “Six Links” and “Streets not Roads”. This year working together with the East and West Belfast Partnership Boards we are concentrating on inner East and West Belfast and their connections to Belfast city centre.
We are looking for professionals and students in the built environment and community fields who can sign up for the weeks study. As in previous years key to the success of the week has been the input from people in the neighbourhood areas and government bodies who cannot attend all week but who can contribute at specific events during the week. 
If you wish to register interest you can do this in two ways; Casually or Sign up for the
week to: 
Drop in during the week as you wish, including evening discussion sessions. We will update you of the detailed programme.
(please title your e–mail: register casual)
Sign up for the week
as full participants, suggested for architects/ planners/ students and others who wish to attend the entire week and contribute. Registration by e–mail and £50 payable on 13th Aug (£25 students/unemployed) (please title your e–mail: register full–time)
Detailed programme below in PDF – further updates will appear on this page