Monday, 12 December 2011

Do you think Transport House (the unoccupied former headquarters of Unite the Union) in Belfast should be opened up for the homeless?

Homeless man in Belfast (1909) from Diffin Jim
With only a few 'shopping weeks' left before Christmas the BBC is covering the story of rising homelessness in Belfast and likewise the increasing use of Christian charities rather than State agencies to deal with the crisis. Last night, the report followed a group of Richhill women called 'raise up the homeless' as they provided tea and sympathy to those who could not obtain a place in a hostel. The Irish News has been covering the erection of ply-board hoarding around the Transport House building and the plight of a Limerick man last seen being frisked by cops wearing rubber gloves. This follows the death of a 30 year old Latvian man in recent weeks on the streets of Dublin and the scandal of the 4 day squat for survival by Robert Lewandowski and subsequent imposition of two 6 month jail terms by 'Justice' Ken Nixon.

Now Francis Morgan, a 69 year old grandfather of 11, originally from the Springfield Road but living in Downpatrick for the past 30 years, has taken to the hoardings with a wrecking bar and a hammer!

"I am a Belfast man born and bred and I want to bring the heart back into the City. I want to open this building until the end of March. ... I don't know what will happen and I do not care if I'm arrested but I am calling this building Tony's hostel. [After the Limerick man!] This union building belongs to its members and I am calling on them to give over this building for the homeless. I want to appeal for chairs and cooking and washing donations, bedding and toiletries. I don't want money just the things rough sleepers can use."    

The last time this building has been the site of any sort of political drama was when sacked workers from the City Airport held protests there in early 2008 and, from reading the comments in the Indymedia article, it seems as if it was more to do with fratricide between the SP and SWP! The building has had listed status since 1994 but faces an uncertain future. While 'Occupiers' are currently camping a literal stones throw away, at Writers Square, perhaps they should think about going indoors for the Winter? WSM certainly think so. And, if not here, where..

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